How can we assist you?

Send us an email and we´ll be happy to assist you in any way possible. 




1. We partner with multinational corporations in developing mindful leaders from their top talent and equip them to lead global teams and thrive in highly complex and demanding roles. 
2. We assist successful senior leaders working in highly complex and demanding jobs develop greater performance with a more balanced and fulfilling life.

What is Coaching?

Coaching is a new profession with many interesting aspects.  

  1. Coaching is a laser focused, proven, reliable, effective tactic to assist you in meeting your goals and generate extraordinary and sustainable results. 
  2. Coaching is an investment with expected returns on greater performance, on improved relationships and on the way you experience life.
  3. Coaches believe, that deep inside, you know what is best for you.  Through profound questions, the coach will help you unveil your motives and beliefs and assist you in generating the attitudes and behaviors that will generate a powerful drive to take action on what matter most to you and your company. 
  4. Coaching provides a thought provoking place to learn, a safe place to practice, unconditional support and hold yourself accountable.
  5. Coaching adapts to your life style, as it can be performed effectively over the phone or video conference, without needing to have a face to face encounter. 

The Core Energy Coaching Process helps bring out the potential in a client. This process tap into the client´s inner purpose and passion and connect that to outer goals and strategies to bring about extraordinary and sustainable results.
— Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching
Coaching is partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspire them to maximize their personal and professional potential.
— International Coach Federation

Masterful coaching involves helping people in groups transform themselves, their communities, and their world. It involves impacting people´s visions and values as well as helping them reshape their way of being, thinking and actions. It involves challenging and supporting people and achieving higher levels of performance while allowing them to bring out the best in themselves and those around them.
— Robert Hargrove
Coaches anchor people to their own internal strengths; they inspire organizations to dream beyond their plans. They apply emotional and intellectual intelligence to the long haul of life and work. Coaches facilitate the change that clients need as they prepare to face the future with strength and optimism.
— Frederick Hudson