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1. We partner with multinational corporations in developing mindful leaders from their top talent and equip them to lead global teams and thrive in highly complex and demanding roles. 
2. We assist successful senior leaders working in highly complex and demanding jobs develop greater performance with a more balanced and fulfilling life.

Does Coaching work?

One of the top reason leaders do not engage in coaching or they do not invest funds for coaching is because they do not believe coaching works.  Below is a recollection of the Top 6 most convincing hard evidence that we have come across which have dissipated the doubts of many skeptic leaders. 


1. Coaching and being coach-like, puts people in a state where their brains are more open to learning, visioning and growing. 

The coaching process leverages the power of open ended questions which leads you into reflexion and insight creating new neural connections in the brain.  Asking rather than telling or suggesting, generates greater cognition and openness to learn and grow.  

2. Coaching helps create new neural pathways which lead to lasting and sustainable change. 

Once the neural pathways are created, coaching creates the support and accountability for you to practice the new attitudes and behaviors.  The more the new attitudes and behaviors are displayed the stronger the connection will be and the more automatic they will become.  You will be replacing old habits and creating lasting and sustainable change. 

3. The tools of professional coaching have been scientifically proven to reduce stress which leads to better health, smarter choices and a greater sense of wellbeing.  

While little stress is good, too much stress creates a biochemical overload in your brain causing you to have poor planning, bad memory, weak decision making, black & white thinking, to name a few.   Coaching tools help you understand  what are your filters (values and beliefs) and  how they trigger an emotional reaction.  You will learn how to increase your consciousness and choose your response, thereby reducing stress.  Less stress leads to more sophisticated thinking, emotional intelligence, empathy and creativity.

4. Coaching helps build a more well-integrated brain which is correlated with more success in leadership and life.

An integrated brain is that which has many and strong neural pathways between various parts of the brain (i.e. rational brain and the intuitive brain).  During the coaching process you will develop your emotional intelligence and intuition (intuitive brain) and create new structures and smart goals (rational brain) to generate greater performance. 

5. Research in competencies revealed that the motives and habits rather than skills and knowledge are the strongest predictors of success.  

Most people know what they need or want to do and are capable of doing those activities, but still most people do not take action on them.  Good intentions or even great goals are not enough to enable change and generate success.  Coaching helps you understand who you are and why you operate like you do.  Coaching will unveil your passions, talents and your life purpose.  Making a clear connection of your true self and motives (inner goals) to your outer goals generate a powerful drive to accomplish them.  

6. Neuroscience provides evidence that the most effective leaders have a high level of self awareness. 

Successful leaders and athletes have a deep awareness of their motives, values and personality traits.  The higher up in the ranks, the more complex the issues are and the bigger the need to be people experts.  Successful leadership requires astuteness about others: their emotional and strategic personal drivers; their self-interest, overt and covert. These relationship competencies rest on a foundation of self-awareness. You can't know the truth about another person without knowing it about yourself.

With coaching I learned tools to understand and control myself in different situations. By asking why am I feeling this way? what is the thought behind it? helped me transition faster into different action scenarios that generated better results. The reduced transition time, allowed me to do the same things with less energy waste and less stress.
— David Bello. Commercial & Supply Chain Director @ Cargill. Mexico City