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1. We partner with multinational corporations in developing mindful leaders from their top talent and equip them to lead global teams and thrive in highly complex and demanding roles. 
2. We assist successful senior leaders working in highly complex and demanding jobs develop greater performance with a more balanced and fulfilling life.

What is Energy Leadership?

Energy Leadership™ is the process of leading yourself and others to take action by detonating the most convenient energy that will generate sustainable positive results with the least amount of stress, waste and effort.

By learning and applying the concepts of Energy Leadership™ and leading yourself and others through the 7 levels of Energy Leadership™, you can increase your ability to shift your own energy and the energy of those around you to inspire and motivate yourself and others to take action. You will feel a greater sense of purpose, you will get more done with less stress, effort and waste, and you will generate sustainable results. 

Energy is what we all are at the cellular level, so it only seems natural that we learn how to use it to our advantage.  For all practical purposes, there are two types of energy:  anabolic and catabolic.


is constructive, expanding, fueling, healing, and growth-oriented.  It allows you to have a more complete and conscious view of what is going on around you, to help you  achieve positive, long-term, successful results and to more easily come up with solutions and innovations.

Energetic self perception chart.png


is draining, resisting, and contracting energy. It provides you with an energetic boost to combat what you perceive to be a stressful situation. It is distracting and limits the view of a situation, thus reducing the choices available to you. Though it may offer some short-term benefits, when used on a long term basis, it imparts mental, emotional, and physical tolls.

There are 7 levels of Energy Leadership™ as depicted in the chart above.  Each level is composed of thoughts, feelings & emotions and behaviors.  It is proven by neuroscience that our behaviors are triggered by the feelings and emotions we have toward that particular event, which in turn are set off by our thoughts (which could be your beliefs, principles or past experiences). 

The more you operate at higher levels of energy the more consciousness, engagement and leadership you will have and the more chances to reach sustained success.  

Research shows that the most successful leaders in life are those with high levels of anabolic energy (Buck Galer, 2011*). Those who lead using catabolic energy can get results in the short-term; however, they cannot sustain success. Increasing your anabolic energy level will help you better perform in whatever you choose to do. 

Every interaction presents the opportunity to lead and make a positive impact. The concepts of Energy Leadership™  help individuals to consciously choose to use their ability to influence and make an impact to generate positive sustainable results for themselves, others, their organization, and its stakeholders.

Great leaders are able to motivate, inspire, and bring out greatness in themselves and others! 


Everyone has their own perspective of how they view the world.  We call this perspective, whether they are attitudes or perceptions – filters.  We take all our past experiences, values, beliefs, influences and interpretations, and we view the world through these filters. These filters can limit us – and give us tunnel vision – or these filters can actually expand what we see.  How we experience life is directly related to the filters we use for each situation.  Your filters and when you use each of them, are very unique to YOU.

The Energy Leadership™ Index (ELI) is an attitudinal assessment that will reveal how often you operate at a certain level of energy based on your attitude, and perception you have of the world.  By taking the ELI assessment you can learn what is your Energetic Profile in normal conditions and under stress.  Most people are surprised to see how much stress affect the way they perceive and react to events. The ELI  is a one-of-a-kind assessment that:

  1. will enable you to recognize your own perceptions, attitudes and behaviors toward different situations,
  2. will introduce you to the concepts of the 7 levels of Energy Leadership™ and how they are related to leadership excellence, and
  3. will show you how stress impact these attitudes and behaviors and your capacity to lead yourself and others.