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1. We partner with multinational corporations in developing mindful leaders from their top talent and equip them to lead global teams and thrive in highly complex and demanding roles. 
2. We assist successful senior leaders working in highly complex and demanding jobs develop greater performance with a more balanced and fulfilling life.

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This set of short videos have been selected to introduce you to new topics and provoke reflection and insights.   They are updated frequently.


What makes us feel good about our work? by Dan Ariely

The happy secret to better work by Shawn Achor

What it takes to be a great leader by Roselinde Torres

How great leaders inspire action by Simon Sinek

How to make stress your friend  by Kelly McGonigal

Grit:  the power of passion and persistence by Angela Lee Duckworth

The new era of positive psychology by Martin Seligman

My Stroke of Insight by Jill Bolte Taylor

The Secret Powers of Time by Philip Zimbardo

The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us by Dan Pink